Before, hair styling options were limited to the length of one's own hair. With the development of artificial hair extensions, hair length became controllable, allowing a person to have many hairstyles to choose and try on. Over the course of development of hair extensions, new ideas on the materials used in making the extensions and the ways to attach them to a person's hair have been developed. Eventually, different types of hair extensions were made, based on the materials and techniques used to attach them.
Brazilian Hair Weaves
One of the two most sought-after
hair extensions. Brazilian hair is a more natural hair type that is not treated nor synthetically processed. Brazilian weaves often come as straight hair; no tangles and frizzles. Attaching Brazilian weaves to one's own hair requires proper rinsing of the extension; smoothing the cuticle to make bonding more effective; and finally, attaching it using bands. As Brazilian hair is not synthetic, dyeing the extension may have some risks.
Remy Hair Extensions
The other hair extension type people like, Remy Extensions, are also natural hair, that came from India. The natural black and brown hair extensions are very similar to Brazilian hair that both have cuticle hair and come in as straight hair. Attaching Remy extensions is also similar to the process for Brazilian weaves, though Remy hair can be dyed after attachment. The advantage of Remy hair is that it doesn't easily get tangled and it conveys a more real appearance when properly attached.
Taking Care After Attachment
One thing to note about hair extensions is that once these are bonded into one's hair, they must be treated as part of the body. Proper care must be taken to ensue the longevity of the hair extensions. Bonded hair extensions usually last for twelve months. Until then, comb, wash, and dry the extensions as how people would take care of their real hair.
Hair extensions are one of the many new options developed by hair stylists to make their clients more visually appealing. Attaching, styling, and maintaining one's hair extensions can be very helpful to achieve the look one is looking for.
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