Friday, February 21, 2014

Practical Tips How to Maintain Long-Lasting Beautiful Hair Extensions

Women generally share Ariana’s hair sentiments. There could eventually be a point of natural hair dying after all the dyeing. Trusty hair extensions are literal blessings to womankind in these instances. Extensions give natural-looking, gorgeous locks when natural hair gives out. Ads tell you that you can treat hair extensions normally like natural hair, but the “treatment” they’re referring to entails ideal hair care regimens.

For the essentials, invest on a wide-toothed comb or soft-bristled brush, mild moisturizing shampoo and leave-in conditioner. De-tangle with your fingers prior to combing gently to avoid shedding. Hair extensions need to be stored appropriately as well, so clean and dry them first before placing them in spacious airlock containers.


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