Sunday, December 15, 2013

What is Remy Hair?

Over the years, many definitions for Remy hair have popped up and fizzled out with the evolving industry of artificial hair integrations. Most contemporary definitions of this priced tufty commodity, however, are congruent in describing Remy hair as real human hair that has been harvested and carefully prepared so that their cuticles always remain facing in the same direction.
Most definitions for Remy hair contend that the product has not been processed to remove the natural microscopic cuticles that protect natural human hair. This distinction, hair experts assert, allows Remy hair extensions to last longer than their non-Remy counter parts, look more natural, and make them more responsive to grooming and styling.
Non-Remy hair is usually stripped of cuticles through an acid bath. This process allows the otherwise unusable human hair to be easily bonded into wefts that will not strip or split when rubbed in the wrong direction. In order to recover the sheen lost from stripping the hair of its cuticles, the processed hair is dipped into a silicone coating solution.
Although relatively durable, the silicone coating of non-Remy hair doesn’t usually last longer than six months. The artificial sheen produced by the silicone coating may also look and feel unnatural.

To distinguish Remy hair from non-Remy hair, experts recommend rubbing the hair in the wrong direction. Natural human hairs with cuticles unstripped will feel rough when rubbed toward the roots but feel smooth when rubbed towards the tips. Non-Remy hair will be smooth both ways.


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